The MEINL Steel Tongue black A-Minor incl. bag and mallets is a rich, full sounding instrument, which can be played with the ha...
Turbo Slap-Top: a different kind if Cajon Instead of simultaneously offering a seat and a playing surface, the Turbo Slap-Top...
Deceptively real looking Fruit Shaker made of plastic. Produces a smooth and harmonious sound. Saliva resistance tested by th...
This shaker assortment consists of 4 egg shakers in 4 different, inviting colours. These small plastic shakers are well suited...
Set of four shaker eggs fit all your needs in the studio or on the road, giving you just the shaker effect you want! MEINL Eg...
Meinl Percussion - Die ultimative Auswahl ! Erweitern Sie den Soundumfang Ihrer Klangkiste mit einfachsten Mitteln. Der Mediu...
Toddlers especially love these little rhythm instruments. NINO® Natural Wood Shakers have different fillings. A cylindrical sh...
The StudioMic Shakers have a structured surface. This influences not only the tone colour, it also gives a better hold while ...
Two resonant liquid chambers are connected by a long steel spiral. The Galaxy is held in one hand, while the other hand holds ...
The MEINL Caxixis are woven by hand with a coconut bottom. Their sound is crystal clear, high pitched with a great projection....